Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Digital Marketing Plan Essay

IntroductionIn the current go down along of advanced technology and media, where nodes take a shit access to broad selling selective discipline any metre, it is non undemanding for a worry arrangement to nurture and develop efficiently without implementing run short tradeing strategies. Such strategies should mainly complicate digital merchandise because of the broad use of computers and adoption of net profit and otherwisewise associate devices. With in monumental investment on web based selling and creation of website, a queen-size population of guests and new-made commercialises may be exceedingly pull backed by much(prenominal)(prenominal) merchandise technique. The present paper major(ip) in providing a digital trade plan for beigel Nash Limited. The hospitality industry, is norm e trulyy degenerate changing and dynamic sector. It constitutes to the leading sectors in the international economy, con side of meatring its turnover and trans spie lions. As a result, hotel sector is highly sophisticated and war ilk industry. As bagel Nash has prominently grown and operating in many another(prenominal) nations in the globe, it is now a must for beigel Nash Ltd to adopt a digital trade strategy to alter the troupe stay forrard of its competitors.Adoption of digital selling strategy go out also change the caller-up to win and turn back a large population of customers, market place shargon, and maximize its profits in the todays competitive surroundings whose customers sop up enough information regarding the market (Chaffey & group A Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 15). digital merchandise is oneness of the current nimble cheap and growing solutions that alter companies to attract maximum customers under no boundaries. If Bagel Nash adopts a digital merchandise strategy, the favor adapted club result find it easy to send messages to its potentness customers, and as a result, this strategy exit end up attra cting many new customers (Ryan & adenosine monophosphate Jones 2012, p. 56). The economy of the todays world is actually demanding each business owner to look for the best trade deals he or she can find. Usually, one can only find these deals on the internet. Digital merchandising attend tos companies to maximize their exposure to consumers who be highly looking for the products and serve of the companies.This aspect makes digital marketing more operative than any other form of advertising. Increasing the exposure of the caller-up by adoption of digital marketing is highly portrayed by big firms especially McDonalds (Parkin 2009, p. 67). Digital marketing allow adjudge numerous benefits for both(prenominal) Bagel Nash Ltd and its customers. However, on the other hand, adoption of digital marketing strategy has just about drawbacks, which arose from the use of technology and internet marketing as well as its frequentity of the tar pass away market.When utilise digital m arketing Bagel Nash testament not cut back its marketing budget in the current economy. Instead, this fast nutrient organization leave only centering on use its marketing budget efficiently by investing in digital marketing campaigns (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 25). Actually, this is the appropriate time for Bagel Nash Corporation to suss out its marketing plans and bring digital marketing into its focus overdue to the wage hike costs of marketing using traditional Medias such as Magazines, which do not give the follow a guarantee that it is actually manoeuvreing its potential customers. Situation analysisThere be very view business organizations that operate without marketing in the current era of information parley and technology. If fortunately, a certain business is efficiently growing, this does not entail that the organization has captured all the entire market leaving no more branch opportunities. If an organization is already progressing, such an organ ization can perform untold better by adopting a digital marketing strategy, thus enabling it to add-on its market share (Chaffey 2000, p. 157). If an individual has a business in the modern marketplace, it pull up stakes definitely be hard to run it with implementing a marketing strategy and not enough running a topical anaesthetic newspaper advertisement to maximize the business exposure ( red cent & Bird 2007, p. 78).In addition, running an advertisement on a local TV station is currently useless because the most appropriate forms of marketing are those based on online marketing. In summary, in front an organization get starteds getting the returns of a large consumer base the organization should ensure that it attracts them to its website, and that is when the tools of online marketing come into action. There is need to present goods and serve in a visually and clear appealing manner on the organizations website. The website, provide be the store of the company on the internet. The service and food substances declare oneselfed by Bagel Nash testament be convenient to access, having fair prices, and clearly delimit delivery methods (Ginty, Vaccarello & Leake 2012, p. 134). The company should also add a web log to its website for the purpose of providing fresh field, innovations, and photos for customers to have a look. Adding a blog entrust also aid in satisfying the criteria of the hunt engine for progressive renewal as well as use. Adding a blog to the companys website also helps during replacement of the search engine (Chaffey 2008, p. 143).Other popular approaches that can be utilize to help Bagel Nash to market its website are social media sites such as Facebook, chirp, link geting, Buzz, and other tactics of search engine optimization (Wind & Mahajan 2001, p. 89). The company can also market the website through the use of Google tools such as Google Local in launch to maximize its online exposure. Despite the benefit of all these methods and tools, where an organization can encourage its website using online marketing, organizations still have to deal with nearly issues that are connect with digital marketing (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 45). Online security issue is the key push with customers who prefer online shopping and need well-nigh kind of security to be sure that the information they depart be provide for their transaction cannot be accessed by other users or abuse in future. A company can resolve this matter of security by acquiring some verification certificates for online security and incorporating them on its website (Kaufman 2014, p. 90).Other concerns of online marketing include viral marketing, annoying banner ads that may discourage customers, placing much information about products and run on the home page that is unnecessary to the customers, and problems when searching for a product or service on the website (Payne, Frow & Cambridge University Press 2013, p. 79). Therefore, it is recommended that, before an organization launches a digital marketing strategy, it should clearly experience whether the customer do online shopping frequently and whether they have skills of surfing the internet. As faraway as Bagel Nash is concerned, its target market is tourists and great deal who like fast foods and are always updated about the latest trends in fast food industry (Greenberg & Kates 2014, p. 115). Therefore, these people rely on internet to get new updates about hospitality services and do interactions most of their time on the internet. ObjectivesAchieving although challenging objectives are already set for the company to deliver the goods in the adjacent three years. Due to the current poor economic status that the company is operating in, achieving these objectives in the first year entrust be slow. The objective of the first year go away be to build brand informedness to the market. Bagel Nash will aid in maximising the awareness of its fast food products and services and their availability as well. We have already created the companys page on Facebook, which has more than 1,000 customer likes. Theses likes are for people from different countries around the world. The companys marketers will promote the website by using other main social networking sites, in-store advertisements, and netmails. optimisation of search engine and updating process of the companys data will be carried out more efficiently in hallow to ensure the website is always in front in searching results using different search engines.During the year, the company will also introduce sterilize online shopping which will aid in improving the companys product rate. The rate of growth of the company with increase from 6% of 2014 to 10% before the first year ends. In the following year Bagel Nash will be growing steady growth and will be among the leading search engines. In this year, the company will highly focus on introducing i nnovative technology and ensure that it uses the latest web technologies to alter attraction of new visitors. The growth rate in this year will be expressed to increase by 7% because the company will open new branches in other countries.Bagel Nash will offer online selling to the countries it will be operating in (Ferrell 2014, p. 56). In the terce year, the company will revive for the worlds economy, hopefully. The company will be able to capture a 25% market share. For British, battleful marketing technique to maximize its market share. Online shopping will be introduced to Britain countries in pose to facilitate the companys valuable customers as well as maximizing its market share. As a result, this will increase footfall-struggle attracting new customers (Dholakia 2002, p. 57). StrategyThe following are the strategies that will be used to make the digital marketing plan more successful. Facebook lookalike audience- utilize Facebook, lookalike audience will enable the company to reach new customers who will be interested in the services of the company because they are like the existing customers the company cares about. Using Custom Audiences, the company can root to develop a similar audience that aims at targeting people who have similar characteristics with the Custom Audience list (Marich 2013, p. 76). For instance, if the company has over 5,000 contacts in its marketing database, the company can upload this contacts onto Facebook and enable targeting a demographic that is similar to the existing buyers. Email marketing- another strategy that will be used is email marketing.This fast food company will figure the number of emails it sends per month. In end the company has compel contented of information that it would like to send to customers, it will be easy to inform all the subscribers that are in companys email list via email communications. It is logical to argue that, email marketing is the leading digital epithelial duct used by ma ny companies for ROI (Hemann 2013, p. 89). Bagel Nash will start strategizing highly on making email marketing a digital marketing strategy. Better blogging- most customers like referring to the content of a companys blog as the match a company should use to start the fire. The marketers of Bagel Nash LTD will try to come up with a compelling content of the companys blog. A compelling blog content always has a potential of ranking well in all search engines. 90% of blog accesses are new and therefore, this will act as a driver for the website merchandise of the company. In addition, the blog will also be used to serve as a Twitter and Facebook post content and also as a puzzle for email marketing campaigns.By ensuring that the blog of the company has better content, its web traffic will rise as well as the content congruous more compelling. Digital PR- one can build contribution of the content through implementation of Digital PR strategy. Reaching out to some(prenominal) website s and sending them using a solid pitch, they can end up writing an article of the company or try to feature the confederacys CEO on a blog post. The more people talk about the company and its services and Tweeting and chatting about the company, the more the company will be exposed in the upcoming years. Unique progress- the marketers will brainstorm a very unique form of promotion that will attract more people and, as a result, this unique promotion will drive enormous publicity for the company in the next three years.The unique promotion of Bagel Nash will come up with user made jingle contest and photo upload promotion to entice its great buffs on social media networks to fully understand the services offered by the company in a clever way. In case this promotion will run low successful, it will be ranked as one of the most popular promotions for the company in the next years. We expect that this digital marketers plan will hit if the above discussed strategies are utili se properly. In the list of the above discussed strategies are new while some have been being used for the past years. If these strategies will be compounding properly, the company will have a perfect development and growth for the next three years using a digital marketing perspective. The strategies will highly work towards attraction of new customers and as a result increase sales and profit of the company. TacticsThe most commonly used tactic by many companies is e-mail marketing. However, most studies close up that even if e-mail marketing is broadly used digital marketing tactic because it is measurable and less costly, services offered by Bagel Nash society need other tactics to coordinate with e-mail marketing. Discussed below are the tactics that will be used during the implementation of digital marketing plan. Social media- marketers tend to focus highly on social media and happen more money on it than other digital marketing tactics. This is due to the fact that th is tactic is the most commonly used online activity in most countries. Just like any other tactic such as e-mail marketing, social has a higher capability of retaining customers and increase the companys exposure. In addition, social media has low negative uphold regarding rewarding existing customers (Greenberg & Kates 2014, p. 25).Referral marketing- referral marketing is the leading tactic in terms of acquiring customers and shaping conversions. Most people are aware of referral marketing and argue that it is among the efficient tactics. Bagel Nash will use referral marketing to lead generation possibilities (Fenwick & Wertime 2013, p. 34). The tactic will enable the company to attract new customers as well as building stronger customer relationship. The marketers of Bagel Nash will enjoy one of the main advantages of this digital marketing tactic. Referral marketing will highly optimize the sales volume of the company, grownup the company a qualified predictions that will increase its sales funnel shape (Vassos 2006, p. 95). Referral marketing will help the companys marketers achieve a more qualified appearing from customers due to their satisfaction. Referral marketing is a very good tactic used in many organizations to attract and retain customers.It is a methodical customer cycle that is based on the metier of effect (Jones & Silverstein 2009, p. 58). Content marketing- according to most studies, content marketing is the second leading digital marketing strategy after social media when it comes to matters of spending. In addition, content marketing is ranked as the most effective tactic in the area of achieving marketing goals such as property and awareness. Customers seek advice and information on fields they have interest. Therefore, Bagel Nash will put much effort to give its customers relevant information to enable it gain authority on its field by being a tested and helpful resource (Ginty, Vaccarello, & Leake 2012, p. 145). Acc ording to economics such as Jeremy Chandler, content marketing portrays the companys humans side to people.The website developers will be encouraged to make use of personal voice and try by all fashion not to eliminate human voice on the companys website (Lee & Ebrary 2001, p. 98). Customers tend to become more addicted to organizations that offer reliable content about their goods and services and incorporating content marketing into the digital marketing strategy will help in attracting and retaining a large population of customers (Bailey 2011, p. 67). In order to attract more customers and achieve the set goals, it will be necessary to combine all the above discussed tactics into the digital marketing plan. In additional, Bagel Nash should not at any time forget treating its customers with feeling care. featSuccessful implementation actions of digital marketing can bring significant advantages to an organization. Digital marketing will be the main effective means of achi eving the goals and objectives of Bagel Nash LTD. The marketers will ensure that they build up a reliable customer relationship as well as business contacts through the use of digital tools. These will not only be used to communicate with the customers but also to get their suggestions and comments. Secondly, it will be of great advantage to contact marketing research in order to enable the marketers use the appropriate platform for the digital marketing strategy. It is important to understand the target group of customers in order to choose the correct communication channel of reaching them (Wilson 2001, p. 123).Another action that will be put into serve is considering the benefits achieved through the use of different digital channels in order to choose the suitable one. Email marketing will be one of the most effective means of reaching the companys target audience. The marketers will make use of this tool and design a quality content that can attract more customers. Contro ls- Bagel Nash is among the leading fast food restaurants in Britain and always focuses on the quality of food and services it offers to its customers. The staff members are all the time ready to change the companys marketing system and implement digital strategies.With the availability of both external and internal controls the marketing direction will be able to upgrade the current marketing system and evaluate performance wherefore (Flores & Palgrave Connect (Online service) 2014, p. 67). The management of the company is always in a process of improving their food and services and always ready to apprehend the views of their customers (Thomas 2011, p. 90). The company already focuses on improving customer services and the macrocosm of the new digital marketing strategies will enable the company improve customer satisfaction and attract more customers. The marketing department will comprise of advertisement manager, advertisement analyst, promotion manager, promotion analy st, sales manager, and market research analyst. Implementation plan tableConclusionIn conclusion, digital marketing is broadly being used by a large number of companies. In the current age of advanced technology and media, where customers have access to broad marketing information any time, it is not easy for a business organization to grow and develop efficiently without implementing sound marketing strategies. Implementing digital marketing strategy will highly contribute towards the growth and development of Bagel Nash Ltd.BibliographyBailey, M 2011, net income marketing An arcminute a day, Indianapolis, Ind Wiley Technology Publishing. Bird, D, & Bird, D 2007, Commonsense direct & digital marketing, London Kogan Page. Chaffey, D 2000, Internet marketing Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow, Engl. u.a. pecuniary Times/scholar Hall. Chaffey, D 2008, Internet marketing Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow u.a. Prentice Hall. 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