Sunday, May 17, 2020
Gender Roles Are Becoming Increasing More Malleable
Gender roles in society are becoming increasing more malleable. The younger generation is less inclined to follow the same roles that their parents and grandparents followed. In Disney’s Brave, the main character, Merida, is a perfect example of this. She doesn’t follow the traditional girly norms that princesses usually reflect, she is wildly defiant toward her mother, especially in regards to her betrothal, and she doesn t even want to be a princess, which is something rarely seen. Merida does not follow the typical gender roles of a princess. She doesn’t like dresses, she doesn’t want to follow the rules, and she isn’t into typical princess things, such as looking nice. When her mother makes her wear a tight fitting dress to the competition for her hand in marriage, she is completely uncomfortable in the restrictive item of clothing. She then rips her dress in order for her to properly shoot her arrows in the competition for her hand. She outshoo ts all three of her suitors, causing her mother to become furious. Her mother, the queen, is outraged that Merida has brought disrespected to her and the kingdom. Merida does not care about the possible shame she has brought to the kingdom. She will not allow herself to be forced to marry a man that she does not want to. These acts demonstrate her defiance, which is not generally the trait of a princess, unless it is directed towards the father. Merida’s defiance is more so directed at everybody. Due to this, she is not one toShow MoreRelatedDo People Change Society Or Does Society Change People?1227 Words  | 5 PagesDo people change society or does society change people? The broadening of what consists of sex, gender, and sexuality consists of in the United States is one of the debates this question creates. 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